Fitness Factory is Taiwan's first publicly listed sports service company. Since its establishment in 2006, Fitness Factory has not only created a high-quality sports environment and promoted a sports culture but continuously experiments and innovates, bringing many new business elements to the sports industry.
The founder of Fitness Factory, Mr. Chen Shang-wen, has been involved in soccer since his student days. Fueled by his passion for soccer, in late 2022, Fitness Factory officially acquired the operating rights for the newly completed Nanzi Football Stadium. With the goal of cultivating soccer as Taiwan's new national sport and rooting soccer deeply in Taiwan, Fitness Factory exclusively introduced the LaLiga youth training system. They also established the Taiwan LaLiga Football Schools to comprehensively cooperate in player development and youth training programs, aiming to build a Taiwanese youth training system, elevate the standard of Taiwanese soccer, and aspire to send more Taiwanese talents to LaLiga professional teams in the future.
除了舉辦健身工廠盃少年足球錦標賽、取得楠梓足球場經營權、引進西甲足球學校,陳尚文先生也深知,一個健全的聯賽制度,是少年和青少年球員養成的重要基礎。因此,陳尚文先生在與在台北舉辦 Victory League 多年的 MFA 足球俱樂部創辦人 Michael Chandler與 Daniel Calvert 討論後,決定整合多方資源,在2023年10月開始,正式在台北、新竹、台中、高雄四地舉辦 Victory League 全國少年足球聯賽,分為8、10、12、14四個等級,2024年5月從四個區域脫穎而出的隊伍,將到楠梓足球場進行全國總決賽。
2023年 Victory League 正開放報名中,誠摯歡迎全國各地隊伍報名參與!